Vermouth Castelgreve 750ml
Vermouth Castelgreve comes from a careful selection of botanicals mostly from the Tuscan territory and expertly infused in our wine made from Sangiovese grapes.
In tasting, you can immediately perceive the fine bitter note of absinthe, China and Genziana, followed by a strong citrus note conferred by the lemon zest of Femminello Fiorentino (Citrus Florentina), a typical plant cultivated in Tuscany since the 16th century by the Medici family which we often find in the Florentine countryside and in the Boboli gardens.
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Data sheet
- Botanicals used for infusion
- Absinthe, china calissaia, rhubarb, gentian, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, bitter orange zest, lemon zest, elderflower, star anise, hyssop, coriander, thyme, sclerea sage, licorice
- Food pairings
- Excellent aperitif enjoyed smooth with ice and a slice of orange. Excellent for the composition of cocktails like Negroni, Americano
- Available formats
- 750 ml
- Type
- Fortified wine
Specific References
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